They’re different in the book…

Thumbnail Image Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash We've all been through it - a favourite short or novel is turned into a TV series or Movie. We love the plot and we have our favourite characters in it - we might even picture them in our minds as we read. Then we see the... Continue Reading →

Before the premiere…

Tonight at a Storytelling event at Temperance, in Leamington, I'm going to try something different. Reading my stuff out loud is pretty new to me full stop - I've only done it at a couple of events, and once on radio. Tonight's different again - for a few reasons. It's a film script. Well, in... Continue Reading →

Bad Treatment

This is a story that I never thought would see the light of day. You might agree it shouldn't have after you read it but today I thought I'd share it. I dug it out when looking through old stories at 5 this morning, while thinking about the sad passing of William Goldman yesterday. It's... Continue Reading →

A Very Very Very Dark Matter

Like the film reviews I've decided to go for the before/ after approach... Before:  A new play - a 'World Premiere' no less, by Martin McDonagh - writer/ director of the likes of 'In Bruges' and 'Three Billboards..' and writer of plays including  The Lieutenant of Inishmore, and Hangmen - both of which we'd seen and very much enjoyed in... Continue Reading →

The 100% Detective

Rather than a short story today I thought I'd share an work in progress - the opening of the novel/ screenplay (working on them simultaneously) 'The 100% Detective.' The full story should be available early in 2019. Follow this blog to make sure you keep up to date, and any comments welcome! * Chapter 1... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday:Movies of the Year 2010: Video

Well, let the embarrassment commence... Several years ago myself and #1 son used to do a regular series of video reviews. We called ourselves 1 1/2 go to the movies, and then later, C.R.A.P movies (Charity Related Art Pieces) - where we would visit charity shops and select a DVD available whihc had to be... Continue Reading →

5 Great Documentaries

  Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008) The tag line in the poster above sums up as much as you should know about this documentary: On Nov 5 2001, Dr. Andrew Bagby was murdered. To memorialize him, his friend Karl began making a documentary film. Then the killer revealed she... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday: Coming Soon

Today while clearing up my writing space I came across my old Macbook, last used approximately four years ago...(my son loved the Mac, I've never really got on with them myself but did use it occasionally for movie editing and sometimes a bit of writing...) Anyway, I found some interesting things on there (if interesting... Continue Reading →

Packing for Goodbye

Author Note at the bottom.  Packing for Goodbye I packed my son’s things up tonight. All his favourite clothes into a sports bag he’d never even used – still with its’ tags on. No point keeping the clothes crispy starch in a hard body suitcase now. The canvas bag would do. I wondered- if he’d... Continue Reading →

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