Clockwork Orange

13th January 1972 UK premiere Stanley Kubrick’s ‘A Clockwork Orange’ was released in 1971, based on Anthony Burgess’s 1962 novel of the same name. The film has become a cult classic, famed for its’ ‘ultra-violence’ themes. Despite being nominated for a best picture award at the 44th Academy Awards, in 1973 the film was withdrawn... Continue Reading →

Mary Shelley

A bit of a random post today...but one I wrote for RagTagMagpie some time ago, and, in these post Halloween days thought I'd share here... * Mary Shelley, born in 1797, had a life as Gothic as her novels: her mother died when she was less than a month old, she engaged in a romantic relationship... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday:Movies of 2012

Note: another one I found from the archives, and another one I've left pretty much untouched other than some 2018 comments in dashing purple... * Disclaimer 1: Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your view) the normal enBewbob year d review in video format had to be cancelled this year due to one of us having a... Continue Reading →

Indie Wire Top 100 Horror Films: and some thoughts. 50-1

So earlier this week Indie Wire posted their top 100 horror movies of all time. Yesterday I posted in their choices from 100-51, with some random thoughts or comments on each of them from me. Here's the list from 50 to number 1. Tomorrow, a few overall thoughts, and my personal top 10... Once again, all... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday: Movie of 2009

Note: no embarrassing video of number one son this week, instead a bit of self-humiliation as I dig through some old files I found from the original version of this here blog post, and found some of my old movie pics...My god, but I was a naive young thing back when I was a mere... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday:Movies of the Year 2010: Video

Well, let the embarrassment commence... Several years ago myself and #1 son used to do a regular series of video reviews. We called ourselves 1 1/2 go to the movies, and then later, C.R.A.P movies (Charity Related Art Pieces) - where we would visit charity shops and select a DVD available whihc had to be... Continue Reading →

Authors: An Extended Profile of Joe R. Lansdale

Series Note: This is one of a series of 10 posts looking at my favourite authors writing today. Not just the writers I like; I’m talking the ones I pre-order anything new that they release and spend unhealthy amounts of time and money searching out back catalogue books that have been written under pseudonyms or via... Continue Reading →

Throwback Thursday: Coming Soon

Today while clearing up my writing space I came across my old Macbook, last used approximately four years ago...(my son loved the Mac, I've never really got on with them myself but did use it occasionally for movie editing and sometimes a bit of writing...) Anyway, I found some interesting things on there (if interesting... Continue Reading →

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